& Ideas
Thirty-One Consultant Kim Washington Makes Front Page of Local Newspaper
Our client, and dear friend, Kim Washington, is a Independent Senior Executive Director for Thirty-One Gifts. She asked DJ Public Relations to help her share her success story with other women and help her find ways to give back to the community. We developed a...
Listen to Your Elders…They May Know a Thing or Two
Today, I find myself in the role of “elder” in several situations, which is quite a shock to me.
The Definition of Public Relations…Hmmm, Looks Familiar
On March 1st, the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) announced a new, modern definition of public relations.
What Do You Love on this Valentine’s Day?
Yes, that title is correct. I meant to say “what” do you love and not “who” do you love.
Did Michael Jackson Just Call Me a Vegetable?
Whoever said playing video games isn’t educational hasn’t play the Michael Jackson Experience.
What I Learned During My First Week Back at College
Yes folks, I’m back at school. But this time, I’m on the other side of the desk!
Let's Work Together
Whether you are a Fortune 500 company or a local non-profit, you will not succeed without being heard by your key publics.
At DJ Public Relations, we can help you get your message heard by the right people.
@2018 DJ Public Relations Inc. | Designed by Sassy Lasses